Prioritize your creative time
Ever feel like you should be doing something other than creative work?
When I choose to spend free time painting or drawing, the critical voice in my head says I should be vacuuming the dog hair and Cheeze-it crumbs off the floor. I should be cleaning the kids' toothpaste off the bathroom sink or washing sheets or doing any other adult-like Mom thing because Painting? Creating something just for the joy of it? That's not responsible.
Anyone else have an annoying nag in your head laying guilt trips?
I'm learning to ignore that voice. Learning to prioritize creative work over house work. Of course, those chores still get done, but I’ve been placing them lower on the to-do list. My kids are watching and when they see me painting, they pick up a brush and get creative, too. (Interestingly, they never mirror me when I'm cleaning).
I hope someday when they have adult responsibilities, the voice in their head encourages them to prioritize the things that light them. I hope the same for you, too. Because that 30 minute time slot you give yourself to express your creativity? It will make the weight of the other things on your list feel a bit lighter to carry.